Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Micah: 9 Months Old

Time is flying by! Micah is already 9 months old and there are some things I want to remember about this precious age.

1. Micah calls me "Nay Nay" instead of Mama. I persist in trying to convince him to do otherwise. He smiles looks at me, looks at Marcus and says, "Nay Nay."

2. Micah is crawling and pulling up. He also lets go occasionally. He is roaming the house however he can and terrorizing Marcus by trying to climb on the electronics.

3. He is particular about his food. I have tried introducing delectables like cheese and brown rice, but he won't eat them. He prefers his plain sweet potatoes and spinach to everything else.

4. Micah communicates what he wants even though he doesn't talk. This is not always done by crying. Sometimes he pulls on his diaper when he wants it changed. He crawls over to the exersaucer when he wants to play in it. He crawls over to me and pulls up on my pants when he wants to be picked up. He refuses to open his mouth when he's done eating.

5. I LOVE him more than I know how to communicate with other people. He is joy and I hope that we will have a healthy, loving relationship for the rest of my life and his.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall Photos

Kelly made some notes about things she'd like to remember about Isaac at 4 months old and I'd like to do the same for Micah at 6 months old.

1. Micah smiles at everyone. He seems to be a genuinely content and happy person. I pray that we can continue to cultivate that quality.

2. He loves to play with daddy and the bull frog.

3. Micah really likes yams. He will tolerate bananas and spinach, but hates apples. He may not like the applesauce I made because I threw a granny smith in there. :-)

4. He wakes up talking. He can lay in his crib talking to himself for a good 45 minutes before demanding to be fed and changed.

5. Micah's been rolling over for a little while, but today he started rolling across the room and grabbing whatever he finds on the other side. Today it happened to be daddy's laptop.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Growing . . .

Micah grows every day. He is grabbing his toes. He's begun sleeping in 7-8 hour stretches at night. Micah is a wonderful joy and I intend to savor every day I have with him. I believe I know what someone meant when they coined the phrase, "Thank heaven for little boys."
