Marcus spent the day working on Micah's room today. He made quite a bit of progress. I can't wait to show you all what it looks like when it's done! :-)
Not! Um, we didn't go to our final session of lamaze. Marcus had to work late. I really needed to do my usual. In fact, I need to get back to my usual. So, we have breastfeeding class on Monday and I'll provide some feedback about that course on Monday evening.
Lamaze session 2 wasn't nearly as fun as session 1. I left asking questions like why do people encourage other people to have children? Why have I voluntarily signed up for unusual amounts of pain, sleepless nights etc.. It was all quite frightening. We handled catheters and and internal fetal monitors and oxygen masks . . . The second part of the class involved practicing breathing techniques. I don't really get it . . . I can't quite figure out when to breathe in and Marcus and I spent more time laughing than we did breathing properly. Worst of all, there was no massage involved. I was looking forward to my massage . . . I hope next week is better.
We attended our first session of Lamaze tonight. You may be happy to know that the subject matter is entirely separate from Baby Care Basics. There were no repeats. Marcus really felt there were some unnecessary details added into the instructors presentation and that the class could have been much shorter. I thought it was all worth it though when we got into the massage portion of the class. The instructor taught Marcus (and everyone else there) four different ways to give me a back rub! We practiced in class. Our homework is to practice some more at home. Ladies, if you get nothing but a 30 minute back rub out of Lamaze, it's worth it. I'll be sure to let you know how the next 2 class sessions go in the coming weeks.