I often find myself writing "to do lists." I think it is just as important to stop and consider what has been done . . .
1. Washed all of Micah's clothing, blankets, and cloth diapers.
2. . . . I also folded everything and put it away.
3. Stocked up on and organized stuff for changing diapers.
4. Stocked up on and organized stuff for grooming and bathing baby Cooke.
5. Worked with Marcus to put the bassinette/play-yard together.
6. Read the manual for the carseat.
7. Packed my bag for the hospital.
8. Prepped and put several dinners in the freezer.
9. Taken a breastfeeding class, purchased supplies, and organized them in preparation for Micah's arrival.
10. Cleaned out the refrigerator.
I think that's all that's noteworthy at this time. I won't make a list of all the things I have left to do, that wouldn't be any fun at all right now.
I need a snack :-)