Monday, September 10, 2007

two pink lines

ok. who knew you could plan such a thing, Lord willing. I gained 2.5 last week. I found out this morning when I measured myself for my online weight watchers account. I was of course, devastated, and couldn't imagine that two drumsticks could do that to a girl. I told Marcus tonight that I would take a pregnancy test, because I've eaten some pretty good stuff without gaining that much in one week . . . He wanted to know how many more pregnancy tests I plan to waste without having any of the normal signs other women have used to figure these things out. Well, I peed on a stick. Drumroll please. Twice! And, both times, two pink lines appeared. It doesn't feel quite real yet. It probably won't for a while. Praise God for his mercy which has me feeling ok right now. I pray it continues. So . . . we're gonna have a baby.


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