Monday, February 18, 2008

Baby Care Basics

I told Kelli I'd post reviews of our baby prep classes, so here it goes. Tonight's class was excellent. Our instructor was energetic and knowledgeable. I think we both learned things we didn't know before. We learned how to swaddle, put on both cloth and disposable diapers, how to give the baby a bath, and how to keep him safe while he sleeps. Marcus can tell you all about the importance of tummy time and how to make sure baby gets it. I was not disturbed by the pictures of the umbilical cord; I've seen that before. On the other hand, Marcus and I were both a little traumatized by the images of circumcision. Marcus described it as akin to a PETA video. The plastibell seemed like the more humane method for those who choose to follow through with the procedure. I am looking forward to the rest of our classes. I hope they are as informative.


1 comment:

Robert and Kelli said...

Thanks for posting about your class. We are finding out today if it's a girl or a boy, and I just don't think I can make it until 3pm this afternoon!