Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bump in the Night Part 2

I am more confident now that I am feeling a wee little bit of movement. I can mostly feel it as I'm laying down to go to bed or when I am deciding whether or not to get up. I know I shouldn't be too excited to feel more . . . because it will interfere will with my last few months of sleep . . . and I know it will be years before I sleep comfortably if ever . . . BUT they say within the next month our little turnip will start kicking me and I won't question whether or not that's what's happening.

Our ultrasound/is it a boy or a girl appointment is Dec. 13! Say a prayer for me so that I can enjoy today and not live in anxious anticipation of these wonderful milestones. On that note, I have papers to grade. :-)


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